One of India's significant telecom players Reliance Jio recently declared its Independence Day offer for prepaid users. The deal is like to plan to take care of the individuals who like to every year recharge their numbers. The offered price is at Rs 2,999, the Independence Day plan will offer 2.5GB of day-to-day data for 365 days. Post uses of 2.5 GB of data users will get decreased speeds of the Internet, however, they can constantly add data top-ups if they need more. The plan will be like unlimited local and STD calls, and 100 SMS each day. It should be noted that the deal is legitimate for 365 days and dissimilar to a few other yearly plans that offer somewhat less than the entire year, you get one complete year of the plan from the date of recharge. Jio is likewise giving users who recharge with the Independence Day, offer extra advantages worth Rs 3,000. These incorporate a membership to Disney+ Hotstar worth Rs 499 and other Jio-Facilities like JioTV, JioSecuri...
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