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5 Strategies for Discussing Compensation in a Job Interview


5 Ways to Talk About Salary During a Job Interview

One of the most challenging questions to answer during a job interview is "What are your salary expectations?" This question can be nerve-wracking as it requires you to state your desired compensation. Other difficult questions to answer during a job interview include "Where do you see yourself in five years?" (Not sure. I just want to be happy.), "What are your weaknesses?" (How do I put a positive spin on this?), and "Tell me about yourself." (Not technically a question.)

Answering the question about salary expectations during a job interview can be a tricky task. Naming the desired compensation can feel like a crucial moment that could make or break the chances of getting the job. The fear of saying too much and losing the opportunity or too little and missing out on potential earnings can be overwhelming. To gain a better understanding of how to tackle this question, I sought advice from colleagues with diverse backgrounds, job titles, and levels of experience.

How to Answer: What Are Your Salary Expectations?"

  1.  It's essential to have a clear understanding of the market rate for your role before entering an interview. One mistake that many job seekers make is not knowing how to answer the question "What are your salary expectations?" To avoid this, research the salaries of people in similar jobs, in your location, and with your level of experience. Ask people in your network, or look on websites like or Glassdoor. Once you have this information, you'll be better prepared for the question. It's important to quote a range that's comparable with your experience and potential. Asking for too much or too little can be detrimental. Asking for too much can make you appear ignorant or arrogant, while asking for too little can sell yourself short and result in a lower salary. Keep in mind that your starting salary sets the foundation for your future salaries and raises, so it's crucial not to start too low.

  2. To prepare for the question of salary expectations during a job interview, it's important to do research and present a data-driven argument. As someone who grew up in a middle-class background, I was taught to not ask for more than what was offered by the organization. However, upon reflection, I realize that this approach may not be the best when you have more experience or have become a subject matter expert. Instead, it's important to research the market value of your role and use that information to present a fair and reasonable salary range based on your experience and expertise. By presenting a data-backed argument, you can avoid leaving money on the table and ensure that you're being compensated fairly for your skills and experience.A smart approach to addressing salary expectations during a job interview is to present a data-supported argument for your desired compensation. This can be achieved by conducting research on the role and determining your market value. To avoid any potential confrontations, it's important to keep the conversation focused on facts and data. For example, you can say, “Based on my research, the typical salary for this role in our area falls within [salary range]. Given my background and experience, I believe [this range] would be fair compensation.” Presenting a range shows that you're willing to negotiate.

Additionally, it's beneficial to communicate your flexibility to the hiring manager. For example, you can say, “I am very excited about this opportunity and am open to discussing compensation further.” This demonstrates that you're a reasonable candidate who is willing to compromise.

When discussing your salary expectations, it's important to focus on the value you will bring to the company through your experience and expertise, rather than solely emphasizing your own qualifications. Avoid making statements such as “I deserve this because I’m awesome, talented, and reliable.”

  1. When it comes to answering the question "What are your salary expectations?" during a job interview, it's important to be prepared and have a strategy. One approach is to ask for the salary band for the role, which is the low-end and top-end of what the organization is willing to pay for that position. Some organizations may disclose this information, so it's worth asking. Once you have this information, you can ask for a salary just below the market top-end, leaving room for negotiation. For example, if the median salary for the role is $40,000 and the 90th percentile is earning $60,000, you can ask for $57,000. This shows that you're aware of the market rate and are willing to negotiate a fair salary. It's important to avoid giving away your negotiating power by stating a salary without knowing the market rate.

  2. When answering the question "What are your salary expectations?" it's important to aim higher than what you actually want to earn. This is because negotiating down is typically easier than negotiating up. One approach is to research the salaries of the highest compensated employees at the organization you are applying to, and base your answer off of that information. Additionally, be transparent about your salary expectations, but only share the high end of your acceptable range. This allows for more room for negotiation. Remember, it's important to ask for what you want and not to be afraid to do so. If a company outright rejects you for giving a higher salary, it may not be the right fit for you.

  1. When faced with the question "What are your salary expectations?" during a job interview, it's important to remember that salary is not the only factor to consider. Instead of solely focusing on a specific number, take the opportunity to ask about the entire benefits package that the company can offer. This can include things like health insurance, work-life balance, retirement plans, and other long-term benefits. It's important to consider what is most important to you, whether it's securing health insurance or a steady paycheck, or negotiating a higher income to support a family. By considering the entire benefits package, you can make a more informed decision about the potential employer and whether it aligns with your priorities and needs.While it's important to consider the entire benefits package when answering the question "What are your salary expectations?" during a job interview, it's also important to be aware of the potential drawbacks of focusing solely on benefits. One downside is that it may raise ambiguity around your salary expectations, which can be detrimental in a competitive job market. Employers may take advantage of this and low ball candidates in order to cut labor costs. As a well-rounded professional, it's important to be aware of the value you bring to the table and to align your salary expectations with market metrics. This will help ensure that you are being compensated fairly for your skills and experience.


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