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Leetcode Preparation Strategy For Google interview

🚀Preparation Strategy For Google interview Leetcode:

  1. Incorporate daily Leetcode challenges into your study routine to improve consistency and expose yourself to a wide range of problems.

  2. Focus on the top 100 questions by frequency to familiarize yourself with the most commonly asked questions.

  3. Utilize the top 75 LC-curated questions for additional practice:

  4. While these questions may be rated as hard, it is recommended to start with easy/medium ones to build a solid foundation. Additionally, practice mock interviews to prepare for real-life scenarios.

  5. Target Leetcode questions that are tagged with Google to gain insight into the types of questions commonly asked by the company.

  6. Utilize the Cracking the Coding Interview book as a resource to supplement your learning.


  1. Attempt to solve a problem on your own, even if you are unsure of the optimal solution.

  2. Analyze the time and space complexity of your solution, and identify areas that can be optimized. Consider alternative solutions or data structures.

  3. Review Leetcode solutions and the discussion section, but try to implement the solution without looking at the code. This will help you truly understand the concept.

  4. Aim to improve the runtime of your solution to beat 90% of other solutions.

System Design:

If you are targeting Google, it is a must to read the book DDIA. Additionally, the book "System Design Interview" by Alex Xu and "System Design Primer" by Donne Martin are also recommended. For further learning, take the courses "Grasping the System Design" and "Grasping the Advanced System Design."

In terms of behavioral skills, it is important to understand various leadership principles. To showcase these skills on your resume, use the STAR approach to write stories that highlight attributes such as taking the lead, resolving conflicts, and dealing with ambiguity. To prepare for interviews, make sure to read, rehearse, and repeat your stories.

For time management, set aside approximately 2 hours on average during working days and 4-5 hours on weekends/holidays to focus on technical skills. Make sure to cover topics such as UnionFind, Trie, Cycle Detection, Intervals, Segment Tree/Fenwick Tree, Graph distance, Randomisation problems, Topological sort, DFS/BFS, 2-D Matrix Prefix Sum, and Dijkstra/Bellman Ford/Floyd Warshall/Kruskal's Minimum Spanning Tree. With this approach, you can gain new knowledge and boost your confidence.


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