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What makes the brother-in-laws relation that much special in India?

The relationship between brothers-in-law (BILs) is one that holds a significant place in Indian culture and society. In India, brothers-in-law are not simply seen as extended family members, but rather as important allies and companions. The bond between BILs is seen as an extension of the relationship between brothers, and often holds a special significance in Indian families. In this essay, we will explore the cultural, social, and historical factors that have contributed to the special relationship between brothers-in-law in India.

Historical and Cultural Background:

The special bond between brothers-in-law in India can be traced back to the country's rich history and cultural heritage. In ancient India, the relationship between brothers-in-law was defined by the concept of "saṃdhi," which referred to the alliance between two families. This alliance was established through marriage and was seen as a way to strengthen ties between families and communities. The alliance was particularly important in times of war or conflict, as it ensured that families had allies they could count on.

Over time, the relationship between brothers-in-law evolved beyond just an alliance between families. It became a bond that was based on mutual respect, trust, and friendship. In many Indian families, brothers-in-law are seen as equal partners and are often involved in important family decisions. The bond between BILs is seen as a way to extend the family network and create a support system that can be relied upon in times of need.

Cultural Values:

The special bond between brothers-in-law is also shaped by the cultural values that are prevalent in India. In Indian culture, family is considered to be the most important social institution, and the bonds between family members are given great importance. Family members are expected to support and care for each other, and this expectation extends to the relationship between brothers-in-law.

In many Indian families, the bond between BILs is seen as a way to maintain and strengthen family ties. BILs are often expected to help each other out in times of need, whether it is through financial assistance or emotional support. This expectation is based on the cultural values of selflessness and generosity, which are highly valued in Indian society.

Social Factors:

The special relationship between brothers-in-law in India is also influenced by social factors. In many Indian families, the bond between BILs is seen as a way to build social networks and establish connections. This is particularly true in traditional joint families, where brothers-in-law often live under the same roof and work together to manage the family's affairs.

In joint families, brothers-in-law are often involved in the same business or profession, and their relationship is seen as a way to expand the family's social and professional network. The bond between BILs is seen as a way to share resources and knowledge, and to support each other's professional endeavors.

In modern India, where joint families are becoming less common, the bond between brothers-in-law is still highly valued. BILs are often seen as important companions and confidants, and their relationship is seen as a way to build social connections and establish a support system outside of the immediate family.

Gender Roles:

Another important factor that contributes to the special relationship between brothers-in-law in India is the traditional gender roles that are prevalent in Indian society. In many Indian families, women are expected to take on the role of caretakers and homemakers, while men are expected to be providers and protectors. This traditional division of labor means that brothers-in-law often have complementary roles and responsibilities.


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